Pantone Spot Color Printing

Spot colors are solid colors created using a specific premixed ink, usually based on Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors. Pantone colors are standardized, and each one is assigned an individual number and name, which designers and printers in different locations can use to easily identify the same exact color.

Spot colors are solid colors created using a specific premixed ink, usually based on Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors. Pantone colors are standardized, and each one is assigned an individual number and name, which designers and printers in different locations can use to easily identify the same exact color. Spot colors are bold and vibrant, but if you’re offset printing your design, the printer will probably charge you more for the job.

The only way to make sure a specific color looks exactly the same every time it is printed is to use what is known as a spot color. When using a spot color, the ink is pre-mixed to match the specified color, and is applied via its own printing plate.

Using spot colors always adds significant cost to an order, since they require prepress, printing plate manufacturing, press setup, and a press run for the extra color of ink to be applied. Metallic and specialty inks are also more expensive than standard 4 color process inks. However, when you need an exact color for branded materials like logos, or a specialty color that can’t be created by CMYK, they’re a great option.